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Fawn/orange split, blue eyes 

Fudge is my first ever rabbit. She enjoys attention and her food. She is a bit stubborn, but very affectionate. She is also bigger than the average size mini lop. Dam is a blue broken and sire is a BEW. She was born on the 24th of March, 2016.


Chocolate split, ruby blue eyes (purple eyes)

Cadbury is a very intelligent little bunny. He can open his own cage and throws his toys out, to get attention. He is very energetic, as he chases you around the house. He utterly adores attention. He is the only rabbit I have with ruby blue eyes. Dam was a blue harlequinn and sire is a chocolate marten/fox. He was born the on 23rd of July, 2016.


Lilac and cream harlequinn, dark brown eyes

Caramel is a very loving bunny. She always adores attention and affection. She is very calm natured. Dam is a fawn split and sire is a chocolate split. She lives at my dad's house. Caramel was born on the 5th of February, 2017. 


Chocolate harlequinn, dark brown eyes 

Marble is extremely loving and affectionate rabbit. He is very soft natured and is really laid back, making him calm and easy going. He has a throw back gene from a previous ancestor making bigger than average mini lop (dwarf lop and cashmere). Dam is a fawn split and sire is a chocolate split. He was born on the 26th of July, 2017. 


Lightly marked lilac harlequinn split, blue eyes

Toffee is a especially affectionate bunny. She likes cuddles and her food. She is well trained, when being picked up. Dam (mother) is a fawn split and sire (father) is a chocolate split. She was born on 26th of July, 2017.


Blue eyed white (BEW)

Sherbert is a loving rabbit. He loves attention and being stroked. He's incredibly calm natured and enjoys spending time with us. Dam is a fawn split and sire is a chocolate split. He was born on the 26th of July, 2017.


Blue self, dark brown eyes

Shadow is a lovely rabbit. He adores affection and enjoys running around his cage or outside. He's the younger brother of Cadbury. Dam was a blue harlequinn and sire is a chocolate marten/fox. He was born on the 5th of August, 2017.


Seal vienna marked (VM), grey eyes 

CJ is a friendly rabbit. She loves being stroked and to play with her toys. She is, also, a bit stubborn but nonetheless she is an affectionate bunny. Dam is a fawn split and sire is a chocolate split. She was born on the 5th of March, 2018.


Blue magpie, very dark brown eyes

Sookie is quite shy, but is happy when being stroked. Although she is a very friendly rabbit, she does need to be approached slowly as she scares very easy. Sookie was 14 months when we got her so unlike bunnies that we raise ourselves she may not have been handled enough, but with love and patients we think we can get her more happy to be handled. She was born on the 23rd of May, 2018. Dam is a blue self and sire is a tri.


Black harlequinn extreme split, blue eyes 

Coco loves his food and will run around until he gets it. He's happy when being carried, especially if he's munching on some dandelions. Coco, also, lives at my dad's house. He was born on the 24th of June, 2018.


Seal point, dark brown eyes 

Jade is very laid back and calm. She loves being stroked and to run around the house. She was born on the 20th of February, 2019.


Chocolate butterfly otter, brown eyes 

Atlantis is very inquisitive and calm natured. She enjoys exploring and loves her food. She was born on the 23rd of February, 2019.


Chocolate tort, satin, light brown eyes 

Morty is very shy and timid, but is always happy to get attention. When we first got Morty, although he was friendly, he did appear to be afraid of people, this could be due to not being handled from an early age. Dam is a chocolate tri VM satin and sire is a chocolate harlequinn satin carrier. He was born on the 27th of February, 2019.


Blue tort extreme split, with white ears, light blue eyes

Cookie is incredibly friendly and affectionate. She likes jumping and running around. Cookie comes up to anyone for some attention and loves exploring the house. Dam is a sooty fawn, white ear, extreme split and sire is a chocolate, white ear, vienna marked. She was born on the 27th of February, 2019.


Chocolate extreme split, dark blue eyes

Olympia is a very energetic little bunny. She loves jumping around the garden. She's very loving, once she gets to know you. Dam is a chocolate split and sire is, also, a chocolate split. Olympia was born on the 13th of March, 2019.


Sallander extreme split with white ears, marbled eyes

Misty is very affectionate and loving. She loves laying in enclosed spaces. Misty has incredibly soft and fluffy fur and has a brown patch in her left eye. She was born on the 27th of March, 2019.


Lilac magpie, chocolate and lilac point, very deep dark blue eyes (nearly black)

Rick loves to run around and is very friendly. He's the younger half brother of Misty. Dam is a sable fox (marten) split and sire is a chocolate frosty point. Rick was born on the 9th of April, 2019.


Lynx agouti, deep brown eyes

Halley is very sweet and friendly. She loves being stroked. She was born on the 13th of April, 2019.


Lilac tort, doubled mane, mini lion lop, blue eyes

Nebulae is a friendly and loving rabbit. Dam is a blue broken and sire is a chocolate marten/fox, lion head cross. She lives at my dads house. She was born on the 13th of May, 2019.


Lilac vienna marked (VM), deep blue eyes

Jasmine is very sweet, however she is quite shy. Dam is a BEW and sire is a  lilac VM. Jasmine was born on the 16th of May, 2019.


Black tort (sooty fawn), vienna marked, mini lion lop, marbled eyes

Elara is a sweet little bunny. Always happy when being stroked. She has brown eyes, however her right eye is half blue. Her parents are, unfortunately, unknown. Her birthday is the 4th of May, 2019. I bought her from a pet shop, which is why I don't know the parents and her birthday is an estimate.


Chocolate frosty, dark brown eyes 

Persephone is very friendly and energetic. She was born on the 31st of July, 2019. Parents are Fudge and Marble. 
(Note: frosty is also referred as ermine, ghost chinchilla or frosted pearl).


Siamese sable, brown eyes

Hades is a very affectionate, he always loves cuddles and likes licking your hand. He was born on the 23rd of September and his parents are CJ and Cadbury. Unfortunately Hades passed away in the early hours on the 12th of November, 2019.

My bunnies : My bunnies
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